Eddleman Quantum Institute hosts preeminent scientists at Chateau Balleroy.
Students synthesize rare-earth metal complexes that are single molecule magnets and qubits.
Graduate and undergraduate students, postdocs, and faculty work together at UCI.
Mission Statement
The goal of the Eddleman Quantum Institute at UCI is to stimulate the discovery of new quantum science phenomena by developing collaborations between investigators in a broad range of scientific endeavors and to motivate future generations to study quantum science through educational and outreach activities.
– James Bullock, Dean of Physical Sciences, UCI
Roy T. Eddleman
The Eddleman Quantum Institute was initiated by a gift from Roy T. Eddleman, who is dedicated to advancing science and technology through quantum science.
The Eddleman Quantum Institute is comprised of 27 quantum scientists in the Departments of Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy, Computer Science, and Electrical Engineering.
Quantum Topics
Along with the cohort of interdisciplinary faculty, graduate students in the EQI groups have formed a Graduate Council to promote interaction at the graduate student level.
The Eddleman Quantum Institute at UCI has a concentrated effort on the rare-earth metals, due to the special properties of these elements. The special properties of the rare-earth metals also make them valuable in exploring the frontiers of quantum science. UCI has a focus of effort on these extraordinary metals with seven research groups working with these elements.
The Eddleman Quantum Institute at UCI has a concentrated effort on theoretical studies in the area of quantum simulations particularly with correlated systems and materials containing rare-earth metals.
The Eddleman Quantum Institute at UCI works in partnership with outreach efforts through the Southern California Section of the Cal-Bridge Program and the Bridge Program of the American Physical Society as well as UCI’s Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP) and its Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Program.
Undergraduate students conduct research in quantum science at UCI in the laboratories of the EQI faculty as well as graduate students and postdocs.
The Eddleman Quantum Institute hosts international conferences in quantum science at locations such as Chateau Balleroy in Normandy, France
Key Details:
Lee researches nano-optics and optical fibers used in advanced imaging technologies.
Special Guest Speaker Ifran Siddiqi, Professor of Physics from UC Berkeley
Thursday January 25, 2024 ISEB 1010 3:30pm
A series of 5 short films about Roy Eddleman and his extraordinary life.
The Sanchez-Yamagishi group creates transformable nano-scale devices by taking advantage of low friction sliding of 2D materials.
Cal Tech Theoretical Physics Professor Gil Refael at UCI
Monday January 30, 2023 12:30 PM Room 1010 ISEB
Quantum Computer Expert Professor Christopher Monroe at UCI
Gilhuly Family Presidential Distinguished Professor at Duke University and Founder of IonQ
Monday October 24, 2022 3:30 PM Room 1010 ISEB
The program introduced undergrads to STEM fields, including quantum science.
Quantum Scientist Dr. Roberta Sessoli at UCI
EQI supported a seminar at UCI by the world famous quantum scientist, Dr. Roberta Sessoli, of the University of Florence, who discovered the first
molecular single-molecule magnet as a graduate student.
These fellowships exist thanks to the generous support from philanthropist Roy Eddleman. The EQI stimulates the discovery of new quantum science phenomena through interdisciplinary collaborations in a broad range of scientific endeavors and motivates future generations to study quantum science through education and outreach activities.
Irvine, Calif., Jan. 14, 2021 – The University of California, Irvine has established a new graduate fellowship to benefit students pursuing advanced degrees in quantum science.
Postdoctoral Fellowships:
To apply to be a postdoctoral scholar in quantum science at UCI, contact the EQI faculty member directly.
Graduate Student Fellowships:
Students interested in graduate study in quantum science at UCI should apply through the Graduate Division.
Undergraduate Student Fellowships:
Undergraduate students interested in research experience in quantum science should contact the EQI faculty member directly.
To inspire support for quantum sciences, Eddleman Matching Gift funds are available on a limited basis and designed to double the impact of newly established endowments that support the Eddleman Quantum Institute. To learn more, review more details on the opportunity here or contact Executive Director of Development Sharon Chang.
Professor William J. Evans, Director
Please email Ms. Jenise Shourds
164 Rowland Hall
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697-4675