Rare Earth and Quantum Science Chemistry Summer School

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania June 25-26, 2022

Have you ever wondered what underlies the chemistry of your smart phones or speakers? What about the chemistry of renewable energy technologies, such as those found in electric cars or wind-turbines? How could small molecules be used to generate stable imaging agents, sensors, or catalysts that can enable applications in medicine and the chemical industry?  Perhaps you’re curious about emerging applications in quantum computing, information, and sensing? Or you’ve always wondered about the unique properties of the elements at the bottom of the periodic table? If you’ve said yes to any of these questions, this is the opportunity for you!

Applications are being received from current undergraduates to attend a fully funded two-day introduction to the exciting developments in science and technology based on the rare earth metals and quantum science.

Lectures will be given by internationally known experts in the field in conjunction with the 29th Rare Earth Research Conference.  The program is funded by the Eddleman Quantum Institute (https://eqi.uci.edu/)

Applications can be obtained here and submitted to Mrs. Jenise Shourds at jshourds@uci.edu.

William J. Evans, Jerome R. Robinson, organizers


Professor William J. Evans, Director

Please email Ms. Jenise Shourds

164 Rowland Hall
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697-4675
